Finance a leading cause of stress
A recent survey implemented by the Australian Government for national psychology week found that the leading cause of stress to Australians in 2015 was that of financial concerns and family pressures.
Stress at a peak in July
This being said it is obvious the weeks surrounding July 1 are amidst one of the more challenging times of the year, not only for businesses but individuals alike.
Workplace stressful too
The work place can become unbearable as bosses and colleagues all feel the pinch. At home we scurry to prepare tax receipts, meet with accountants and add to that the day to day stresses we come across. For the best of us it can become a little overwhelming.
Dare we say the obvious but, stress is dreadful. It affects our mood, energy levels, doesn’t let us feel like us. Lying in bed replaying the day’s events, conflicts, to do list and timeframes hampers our sleep, which unfortunately is likely to leave us vulnerable to further stress. This isn’t good news at all, but the most concerning factor is that stress can often lead to much darker mental illnesses. Anxiety issues, insomnia and depression are common occurrences to Australian’s that do not find effective, personal tools to combat stress.
This isn’t good news at all, but the most concerning factor is that stress can often lead to much darker mental illnesses. Anxiety issues, insomnia and depression are common occurrences to Australian’s that do not find effective, personal tools to combat stress.
Pay attention to your stress levels
As individuals it is important to pay attention to our own physical and emotional health. We must put ourselves first and put our own needs ahead of external factors pulling us in all directions. The better we feel as individuals when stress arises the more resilient to it we become.
Massage a proven stress reliever
Massage is a proven stress reliever with its ability to enhance a calm mind, reduce anxiety, relieve tension and increase peace of mind. Muscle tightness, aches and pains are all reduced leaving our bodies feeling refreshed and minds sound. Clinical studies show that a single massage session is proven to significantly lower heart rate and blood pressure.
Reduce stress with a EOFY Massage
So, is an EOFY massage what you, your workplace, friends or family need to feel better in body and mind during this crazy season…